- Yo si juego Metras , Agárrate in “Factores de Poder” channel, Patricia Poleo, Nov 17, 2021,
- Obsessedwithart.com, By Laura, “Hyper Realistic Still Life Paintings by Carlos Bruscianelli”, March 28, 2021.
- Revista Ophelia by Camila Reveco “Camila Reveco se encuentra con Carlos Bruscianelli“, January, 2021.
- VoyageMia, “Meet Carlos Bruscianelli“, April 22, 2020.
- Telemundo51, TV Show: “Acceso Total”, Interview by Silvana Del Mar, Telemundo 51, Miami / WSCV. 15000 SW 27th Street, Miramar, FL 33027. January 8, 2020. https://www.telemundo51.com/videos/videos-entretenimiento/arte-hiperrealista-con-toquelatinoamericano/2039729/
- El Universal, ”El arte realista de Carlos Bruscianelli se expande Por Estados Unidos” ( “The realistic art of Carlos Bruscianelli is Expanded by United States”) by Juan Antonio González, December 16, 2019.
- “Agárrate” in “Factores de Poder” channel, October 12, 2018 “Pure Realism, Incredible works by Carlos Bruscianelli” By the renowned Venezuelan journalist Patricia Poleo
- Artspace, Virtual Art Gallery based in New York, New York, USA: “A Few Question for Carlos Bruscianelli, the Venezuelan Painter Making Hyperrealism Cool Again” by Dylan Kerr, June 17, 2016.
- Ophelia Magazine. By the Cultural Journalist with specialty in Plastic Arts Camila Reveco. Carlos Bruscianelli: “Realism is achieved with effort, talent, craft and discipline” La Plata, Argentina December 21, 2016.
- Globedia Internacional (Spanish Collaborative Newspaper founded in 2009, owned by HispaVista company). “The Art of Carlos Bruscianelli” by Carlos Iván Ontiveros Moncada, December 9, 2016.
- LewisonArt, Mexico June, 2016 “Interview with artist Carlos Bruscianelli”, by Débora Lewinson.